Conference Papers and Presentations by Leo Pekkala


Pekkala, L. 2021. Media Education in Finland. Icelandic Media Education Network Meeting, 9th December, 2021. Reykjavik, Iceland.

Pekkala, L. 2021. Developing media education and media literacy in Finland – experiences and reflections. In “Second Central Asian Media Information Literacy Conference”,  14th October 2021. Bishkek, Kyrgystan.

Pekkala, L. & Palsa, L. 2021. Media Education at KAVI. In “Media Education Conference (MEC 2021) in Autumn Colors”. 29th September 2021, Rovaniemi, Finland.

Pekkala, L. 2021. Introduction of the National Audiovisual Institute. 53rd EPRA Plenary Meeting. 20th May 2021. Online.

Pekkala, L. 2021. Institutionalising media literacy nationally. In ” Insights from Finland and Lessons from Ukraine”. Online conference. 25th March 2021.


Pekkala, L. 2020. Lessons Learnt Finland. In “Counter-Disinformation Platform (CDP) – Research and Education: Concept and Activities Increasing Societal Resilience: Innovative Ways to Counter Disinformation.” Poland, online conference. 18th December, 2020.


Pekkala, L. 2018. Possible ways to promote media education. In the Conference “On the need for media education”, National Film Archive – Audiovisual Institute (Warsaw, Poland), 15 November, 2018.

Pekkala, L. 2018. Case: multiliteracies as transversal competencies – How to deal with cross-cutting issues in teacher education? In “Introducing: Finnish Teacher Education”,  3rd October, 2018, Embassy of Finland, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.


Pekkala, L. 2017. Fake News or Productive Participation? Time to Act for Adult Media Literacy. Media Literacy Expert Group Meeting, DG CONNECT 14.12. 2017, Brussels. Belgium.

Pekkala, L. 2017. Shifts in Media Literacy Education Paradigms. In UNESCO Global Media and Information Literacy Week 2017 Feature Conference, Kingston, Jamaica. 24th – 26th October, 2017.

Pekkala, L. 2017. Mediakasvatuksen tilanne Suomessa. [State of Media Education in Finland] In Media Stakeholders Round Table Discussion hosted by the Minister of Transport and Communications Anne Berner. Helsinki, 20th of October, 2017

Pekkala, L. 2017. Paradigm Changes and Media Literacy Education. in the 11th International Conference “Keeping Children and Young People Safe Online, Warsaw on 19th and 20th of September 2017.

Pekkala, L. 2017. Media Literacy in Finland. In the “Role of media literacy in the new media landscape. Polish Presidency Seminar”, European Audiovisual Observatory Executive Council, Warsaw, 8th June 2017.

Pekkala, L. 2017. Preparing citizens for digital democracy. “Education in a Digital World. Reducing inequalities through lifelong learning.” – the Lifelong Learning Platform Annual Conference, Tallinn, Estonia, 31st May – 1st June 2017.


Pekkala, L. 2016. From Protection to Education and Empowerment – Content Classification and Media Education in Finland. Invited speaker at the International Classification Forum 2016. Busan, South Korea, 25th November 2016.

Pekkala, L. & Thorslund, E. 2016. Media and information literacy – a key tool in the fight against extremism online. Invited speaker at the Nordic Ministerial meeting “The Nordic Network to prevent extremism”, Stockholm, Sweden, 20th January 2016.


Pekkala, L. & Palsa, L. 2015. Poikkisektoriaalinen yhteistyö ja sen edistäminen mediakasvatuksen kentällä. Presentation at the Finnish Educational Research Association, FERA Conference, Vaasa, Finland, 19. – 20. November 2015.

Pekkala, L. 2015. Protection, education and empowerment – Finnish model for content classification and media education. Presentation as invited speaker at the Sharing Good Practices and European Standards in the Implementation of Audiovisual Policies -seminar in Belgrade, Serbia, 22 October 2015.

Pekkala, L. 2015. Protection, education and empowerment – Finnish model for content classification and media education. Presentation as invited speaker at the African Classification and online protection conference, Cyber safety, child protection and classification: An African perspective. Johannesburg, South-Africa, 12 – 14, October 2015.

Pekkala, L. 2015. How will the Process of Age Classification be organized in the Future? Will there be Age Classifcation in the Future? Invited speaker in the Round Table Discussion at the International Classifiers Conference. Berlin, Deutschland, 1. -2. October, 2015.

Pekkala, L., Palsa, L. & Pääjärvi, S. 2015. Finnish Media Education Projects 2009-2013: Study of the project applications funded in the administrative sector of the Ministry of Education and Culture. Paper presented in the NordMedia Conference 2015  “Media Presence – Mobile Modernities”, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, August 13 – 15.

Pekkala, L. 2015. 14 –rating and AV –media sector: future perspectives in Finland. Presentation at the Nordic Film Classification Conference, Stockholm, 12th of June, 2015.

Pekkala, L. 2015. Public-private partnerships – are they possible in supporting media education? Invited speaker at the “Media Meets Literacy in Warsaw”, Evens Foundation Conference in Warsaw, Poland. 21. – 22. May 2015.


Pekkala, L., Palsa, L. & Pääjärvi, S. 2014. Tietoperustaista päätöksentekoa mediakasvatukseen – arkea vai utopiaa?[Knowledge-based decision making – business as usual or utopia?]  Presentation at the Finnish Educational Research Association, FERA Conference  20.-21.11.2011, Oulu, Finland.

Palsa, L., Pekkala, L. & Pääjärvi, S. 2014. Finnish Media Education Projects 2009–2013. Study of the project applications funded in the administrative sector of the Ministry of Education and Culture. Poster presentation at the Finnish Educational Research Association, FERA Conference  20.-21.11.2011, Oulu, Finland.

Pääjärvi S. & Pekkala, L. 2014. From Internet Safety to Media Literacy – The Finnish Approach. Poster presentatioin at the Safer Internet Forum, Growing Up Digitally, Brussels, 6 – 7 November, 2014.

Pekkala, L. 2014. The Only Thing that is Constant, is Change. Latest Developments in the Finnish Regulatory Landscape. Presentation at the International Film Classifiers Conference in Fredrikstad, Norway 22. – 23. October 2014

Pekkala, L. 2014. National Policies of Media and Information Literacy. Invited speaker at the European Media and Information Literacy Forum, Paris 27.-28.5. 2014.

Pekkala, L. 2014. Converging Media Education. Presentation at the Media Education Futures 2014 Conference, invited panelist. Tampere, Finland. 8.-9.5.2014.

Pekkala, L. 2014. Mediakasvatusta, -lukutaitoa vai -sivistystä. Pyydetty kommenttipuheenvuoro Ritva-Sini Merilammen esityksen ja kirjan pohjalta “Mediakasvatus.nyt 2014 tutkijatapaaminen” Helsinki. April 1st 2014.


Pekkala, L. 2013. Mediakasvatusta itsessään käsittelevä mediakasvatustutkimus.Paper presented at the Finnish Educational Research Association, FERA Conference  21.-22.11.2011, Jyväskylä, Finland.

Pekkala, L. 2013. Good Media Literacy. National Policy Guidelines 2013 – 2016 and MEKU’s role as the National Authority on MIL in Finland. In Media and Information Literacy – a key to democracy and freedom of expression Nordic Council of Ministers Expert meeting in Stockholm 2 October 2013.

Pekkala, L. 2013. Building Bridges between Academy and Stakeholders. Invited commentary paper at the COST Action “Transforming Audiences, Transforming Societies” –Conference. Belgrade, University of Belgrade, 18-20, September 2013.

Pekkala, L., Palsa, L.,  Pääjärvi, S., Korva, S., & Löfgren, A. 2013. A Meta-Synthesis of Finnish Media Education Research. Presented at the “Defending Democracy” Nordmedia Conference Oslo and Akershus University College, 8-11 August 2013.

Pekkala, L. 2013. Family Practises for Media Education 2012 Survey by the Finnish Centre for Media Education and Audiovisual Media (MEKU). My Media Playground -Conference, Tampere, 14-15, February, 2013.


Pekkala, L. 2012. The challenge of technology for a Governmental classification body and the role of media education. International Classifiers Conference, London November 31st – December 2nd, 2012.

Happo, H. & Pekkala, L. 2012. 0-12 -vuotiaiden lasten mediankäyttö ja kotien mediakasvatuskäytännöt. Mediakasvatus- ja kuvaohjelmakeskuksen vanhempainkysely 2012. Interaction in Educational Research FERA Conference on Education Helsinki  22.-23.11.2012

Pekkala, L., Pääjärvi, S., & Happo, H. 2012. Kuuluu kuvaan – mediakasvatus, kaikkien asia. Varhaiskasvatus 2012. Helsinki, 5.10.2012.

Pekkala, L. 2012. The Finnish Centre for Media Education & Audiovisual Media. Annual Nordic Meeting, Helsinki, Finland, 24.-25.5.2012.

Pekkala, L. 2012. Mediakasvatus- ja kuvaohjelmakeskus. Cable Days, Hämeenlinna, Finland. 18.4.2012

Pekkala, L. 2012. Connecting generations – sukupolvia yhdistämässä. Kansallisen tietoturvaviikon avajaiset 6.2.2012, Helsinki, Finland.

Pekkala, L. & Ruokamo, H. (2011) Mediakasvatus ja tieto- ja viestintätekniikan opetuskäyttö suomalaisessa yliopisto-opetuksessa. Full paper presented at the the Finnish Educational Research Association, FERA Conference  24.-25.11.2011, Joensuu, Finland.

Pekkala, L. (2011) Role for research in the emerging academia-policy maker relationships?  Full paper presented at the 3rd Bi-Annual SANORD International Conference, 27 – 30 November 2011, Johannesburg, South Africa.

Pekkala, L. &Virtanen, J. (2011) Student perceptions of wireless campus and laptops. Paper presented at the Social Media in the Middle of Nowhere — 4th NBE 2011 Conference 20 – 23 June 2011, Salla, Finland.

Pekkala, L. (2010) Mediakasvatus – oksa kasvatustieteiden puussa vai vihreämpää ruohoa? [Media Education – a branch in the tree of education or greener grass?] Full paper presented at the the Finnish Educational Research Association, FERA Conference “Kasvatuksellinen mielikuvitus ja oppimisen tilat” 25.-26.11.2010, Lapin yliopisto, Rovaniemi, Finland.

Pekkala, L. (2010). Do we have culturally sustainable media education? Full paper presented at the InSEA European Congress  “TRACES: Sustainable Art Education, 21-24 June 2010, University of Lapland, Rovaniemi, Finland.

Pekkala, L. (2009). Is it possible to enhance social inclusion through ICTs? Full paper presented at the SANORD 2nd International Conference “Inclusion and Exclusion in Higher Education” Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa. December 7 – 9, 2009.

Väyrynen, S. & Pekkala, L. (2009).Why aren’t we there yet? The ‘unproblematic’ cultural tolerance in Finnish Higher Education landscape. Full paper presented at the SANORD 2nd International Conference “Inclusion and Exclusion in Higher Education” Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa. 2009, December 7 – 9, 2009.

Pekkala, L. & Hakkarainen, P. (2009). Mediakasvatuksen harjoittelun ja työssä oppimisen ohjauksen kehittäminen design-perustaisen tutkimuksen avulla. (Developing online tutoring by Design Based Research approach). Full paper presented at the Finnish Educational Research Association, FERA Conference “Education through Other Eyes” in Tampere, Finland. November 26 – 27, 2009.

Pekkala, L. (2009). Assessment of Virtual Courses. Presentation at the UniPID Virtual Studies Workshop “Innovations in Virtual Learning.” University of Helsinki, Hyytiälä Forest Field Station. October, 7 – 8, 2009.

Pekkala, L., Hakkarainen, P., & Heikkilä, H. (2009). Online tutoring for media education interns in practical training. Full paper presented at the 14th Biennial Conference of International Study Association on Teachers and Teaching (ISATT). Rovaniemi, Finland. July 1-4, 2009.

Pekkala, L. (2009). New Learning Spaces. Presentation at the Patandi Teacher’s College, Workshop for Teacher Educators. Arusha, Tanzania. April 2nd, 2009.

Pekkala, L. (2007). National Strategies as tools for ICT4D – the Case of Finland. Paper presented at the Southern African Nordic Centre (SANORD) Centre Conference: Higher Education, Research and Development: Shifting Challenges and Opportunities, at the University of the Western Cape, Cape Town, South Africa. December 5 – 7, 2007.

Pekkala, L. & Johnston, W. (2007). BENEDICT – Benchmarking European Development Cooperation (via) ICT. Paper presented at the Computer Assisted Learning CAL 07 – ‘Development, Disruption and Debate’, – Conference. Trinity College Dublin, Ireland. 26 – 28 March, 2007.

Pekkala, L. (2007). Arctic Information and Communication Technologies Assessment. Paper presented at the Arctic Council ICT Network Meeting at the Cisco Systems Executive Business Briefing Centre, San Jose, California, United States. March 15 – 16, 2007.

Pekkala, L. (2006). Media – kansallinen ja kansainvälinen. [Media – local and global.] Presentation at the “Lappi ja Globalisaatio”, Rovaniemi, Finland. December 12, 2006.

Pekkala, L. (2006). About the Arctic Information and Communication Technologies Assessment. Paper presented at the Arctic Council ICT Network Meeting. Simo, Finland. November 29 – 30, 2006.

Pekkala, L. (2006). Internationalisation or Globalisation?  Paper presented at the Finnish Educational Research Association, FERA Conference in Oulu. November 23-24, 2006.

Pekkala, L. (2006). Arctic ICT Assessment (AICTA). Paper presented at The Borderless North. The 4th Northern Research Forum (NRF) Open Meeting in Oulu, Finland. October 6, 2006.

Pekkala, L. (2006). Tarvitaanko mediakasvatusta? [Do we need Media Education?] Presentation at the “Portsari vai Paimen – Kirjastot nettikäytön rajoilla.” – seminar organised by the State Provincial Office of Lapland, Rovaniemi, Finland. October 5, 2006.

Pekkala, L. (2006). Osallistava kasvatus: Oppilasnäkökulma. [Inclusive Education: The Student Perspective] Paper presented together with Dr. Sai Väyrynen at Suomen yhtenäiskoulujen verkoston seminaari, Rovaniemi. September 15-16, 2006.

Pekkala, L. (2006). Situation analysis and possibilities for Russian participation to the Arctic ICT Assessment (AICTA). Paper presented at the  Arctic ICT Assessment Meeting Ministry for Information Technologies and Communications of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia. September 11, 2006.

Pekkala, L. (2006). Review of Ylläs Arctic ICT Workshop outcomes. Paper presented at the Arctic ICT Assessment Meeting Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Communication Research Centre. May 31 – June 1, 2006.

Pekkala, L. (2006). Erityis-, eristys-, edistyspedagogiikkaako? [Special, Segregative or Progressive Pedagogy?] Paper presented at the Joko saa lähteä? Lapin nuorten osallisuusseminaari, Rovaniemi, Finland. 2006, May 15.

Pekkala, L. (2006). Pelit, netti ja tv – mitä pitäisi tehdä ja mitä voisi tehdä? [Games, the Net and TV – what should and could we do?] Presentation at the Steiner School of Rovaniemi. February 14, 2006.

Pekkala, L. (2006). Internationalisation or Globalisation? Some Challenges in Higher Education. Paper presented at the National Institute for Higher Education in the Northern Cape, Kimberley, Republic of South Africa. April 25, 2006.

Pekkala, L. (2006). Teacher Education in Finland. Paper presented at the National Institute for Higher Education in the Northern Cape, Kimberley, Republic of South Africa. April 20, 2006.

Pekkala, L. (2006). Pelit ja Internet, mitä vanhempien tulisi tietää ja tehdä? [Games and the Internet, what should the parents know and do about them?] Rantavitikka Comprehensive School, Parents Conference. Rovaniemi, Finland. January 25, 2006.

Pekkala, L. (2005), Mediakasvatuksesta – vanhempien tulisi tietää. [Media Education – parents should know.] Muurola Comprehensive School Parents Meeting, Rovaniemi, Finland. October 25, 2005.

Pekkala, L. (2005) Osallistava kasvatus- yhtenäisen perusopetuksen mahdollisuus. [Inclusive Education – Possibility for Comprehensive Schooling.] Paper presented at the Conference in Celebration of 30 years of Teacher Education at the University of Lapland, Rovaniemi. September 24, 2005.

Pekkala, L. (2005) University of the Arctic and an Inclusive Approach to Education. Paper presented in the Scoping Workshop on ICT in the Arctic, Washington, organised by the ICT-Network of the Arctic Council. February, 24-25, 2005.

Pekkala, L. (2004) Opettajankoulutuksen haasteita. [Challenges of Teacher Education] Paper presented in the 17th  Barents Conference on Education in Rovaniemi, Finland. September 20, 2004

Johnston, W., Pekkala, L. & Willman, A. (2003) Delivering the Distance: Evaluating the Process and the Process Of Evaluation. Full paper presented at the 8th Circumpolar Universities Co-operation Conference Whitehorse, Yukon, Canada. November 7 – 10, 2003.

Pekkala, L. (2003) Invited commentary paper presented at the Information and Communication Technology in the Arctic: Opportunities and Obstacles for Sustainable Development, Education and Telemedicine. An International Conference of the Arctic Council, Akureyri, Iceland. October 20–21, 2003.

Pekkala, L. & Taole, K. (2003) Building Regional Higher Education Institutions in South Africa. Paper presented at the 25th EAIR Conference: Building Bridges and Enhancing Experience. Limerick, Ireland. August 24-27, 2003.

Pekkala, L. & Dhladhla, A. (2003) Establishing New Regional Higher Education Institutions in the Post-Apartheid South Africa. Full paper presented at the UNESCO Conference on Intercultural Education, Jyväskylä, Finland, June 15-18,  2003.

Pekkala, L. (2001). Challenges of Ultra-peripheral Learning Environments. The 7th Circumpolar University Co-operation Conference Tromsø, Norway.  August 19 – 21, 2001.

Pekkala, L. (2000). An analysis of what 10 year old children in Finland know about the past and how they acquired that knowledge. An investigation into what young children in a range of European countries know about the past and how they acquired that knowledge. Paper presented at the Seminar in Ambleside, England. September 3-6, 2000.

Pekkala, L. (2000). ALE – Learning in Ultra-periphery. Paper presented in Canada – Finland Education and Technology Seminar. Helsinki, Finland. May 24-25, 2000.

Pekkala, L. (2000). Arctic Learning Environment – Learning in Ultra-periphery. Innovation and Change.  Paper presented in Workshop “Media for Life Long Learning” Developing competences for the media and communications professions.  European Communications Network Conference Malaga. May 4-6, 2000.

Pekkala, L. (1999). Digital Universities of the North. CANADA-EU TRANSATLANTIC RELATIONS: CIRCUMPOLAR COOPERATION AND THE NORTHERN DIMENSION Conference. Chateau Cartier, Aylmer, Québec, Canada. October 24-27, 1999.

Pekkala, L. (1999). In the Shadow of the Great Empires: The Nordic Countries in English History Textbooks. Paper presented in the Sixth Circumpolar Universities Co-operation Conference. University of Aberdeen, Scotland. June 24-27, 1999.

Pekkala, L. (1999). Lesser Nations: The Nordic Countries in English History Textbooks. Paper presented in the International Conference: Britain and the Baltic. East Coast Connections. Van Mildert College, University of Durham. March 23. – 26, 1999.

Pekkala, L. (1997). The Role of Universities in Regional Development. Paper presented at the 9th Annual European Association for International Education Conference, Barcelona, Spain. Organiser of this roundtable session for the Conference. November 20.-22, 1997.

Pekkala, L. (1997). Effects of political changes on textbooks. European history in Finnish history textbooks. Paper presented at the Fourth World Conference of the International Associaton for Research on Textbooks and Educational Media. Oslo, Norway.  October 17-19, 1997.

Pekkala, L. (1997). The EU Regional Development Programmes and a Regional University. Paper presented at the Fifth Circumpolar Universities Cooperation Conference Luleå, Sweden. June 11.-14, 1997.

Pekkala, L. (1997). Carving out a niche in the higher education market. Paper presented at the “Define Higher Education Today”, A Seminar for invited participants organised by the Finnish Institute in London. April 18, 1997.

Pekkala, L. (1996).  The Nature and Purpose of School History: A Comparison between the Situations in Scotland and Finland Through a Joint Seminar. Paper presented at the Scottish-Finnish History Seminar at the Finnish Institute in London. December 5.-6, 1996.

Pekkala, L. (1996).  How to Utilise EU membership to Promote Research and Higher Education in the Barents Euro Arctic Region. Paper presented at the Research and Higher Education as Tools in the Barents Region Conference in Tromso, Norway. March 21.-22, 1996.

Pekkala, L. (1995).  Where Do You Find Finland in British School History Textbooks? Paper presented at the Finnish Institute in London. November 14, 1995.

Pekkala, L. (1995). To Have Scandinavian History or Not to Have? Paper presented at the Quality of Educational Texts. Third International Conference on Pedagogic Text Analysis and Content Analysis. Copenhagen, Denmark. May 29.-31, 1995.

Pekkala, L. (1994). The Changes in the History Curriculum for the Grades 7-9 and its Implications. Paper presented at the Conference on History Didactics, Helsinki. February 4, 1994.

Pekkala, L. (1993). State and Nation in Modern and Contemporary Europe. Paper presented at the European Research Conference on Austria, Schloss Laxenburg. October 8.-13, 1993.

Pekkala, L. (1993). Textbooks in the End of History.” Paper presented at the National Congress in Educational Research In Jyväskylä, Finland. October 21.-22, 1993.

Pekkala, L. (1993). “Tiikerin syöksy” – historian jatkuvuuden häviäminen. [“The Leap of the Tiger” – the Disappearing of the Continuity in History] Paper presented at the National Conference in Education 1993, Jyväskylä, Finland. June 15-17, 1993.

Pekkala, L. (1992). Decentralized or Centralized. Trends in Curriculum Planning in Europe. Paper presented at the Conference on History Didactics, Helsinki. February 7, 1992.

Pekkala, L. (1991). Has Anything Really Changed? A Finnish View of the Decentralized History Curriculum. Paper presented at the Change in History Education: Design and Evolution? Anglo – Hungarian History Teaching Conference in London, UK.  September, 23- 27, 1991.

Pekkala, L. (1991). The Treatment of the History of Russia and the Soviet Union  in the American World History Textbooks. Paper presented at the Conference on History Didactics. Helsinki, Finland. January, 25, 1991.